Tuesday, December 16, 2008

College Bowl Pick'em Reminder

O.K., there is less than a week to join my league and there are only 4 people signed up. I know my blog stinks and I'm not very popular but, this will at least keep games like the International and EagleBank Bowls interesting. I'm hoping to get at least 10 people signed up. Most of my friends could care less about college football and are degenerate gamblers so aren't interested if there is no money involved.

Winner will get a guest post here at the FSCB. It can be about anything. It can be about how lame this blog is or how awesome you are or about the socio-political climate in the Middle East.

The group id # is: 6204
password: bowls


1 comment:

dAndy ManCandy said...

Atta boy UU. Pimp it out brozilla!